14 Common Vegan Questions

Common Questions Vegans Ask or Get Asked

What is Vegan cheese made from?

Vegan cheeses are made from a variety of plant foods, including nuts, soy, seeds, and root vegetables, and come in almost as many styles and flavors as dairy cheese. Like regular cheese, Vegan cheese can be part of a healthy diet when used in moderation — but it’s best to avoid highly processed options.

Are you not deficient in certain vitamins?

All of the nutrients, vitamins, and protein found in animal products can also be found in plants, apart from 2 vitamin D (which we can get from the sun or supplement) and vitamin B12 (which can get from fortified Vegan products and also supplement form).

Most factory-farmed animals either get these nutrients from eating feces, dirt, or by having it in their feed or injection.

Why can’t Vegans have dairy products?

Although dairy does not directly involve consuming the animal, these products still cause immense suffering to these poor animals.

Living a Vegan lifestyle is much more than changing your diet. It is about showing compassion to animals and by stopping your dairy intake altogether you can help to end the unnecessary death of a Calf, whose mother’s factory drained milk you would have taken otherwise.

A lot of people tend to forget that death is still involved in the production of dairy. When you think about it, that milk is there because the cow was pregnant. – What happens to the baby??..

I recommend watching ‘Dairy is Scary’ on YouTube for a brief 5-minute glimpse of real life in the dairy industry.

You need meat for protein/there isn’t enough protein for the exercise I do?

Getting protein in your diet is really easy. There are many delicious, easy-to-find sources of plant-based protein out there. When you break down the fact of where protein comes from, you will quickly find that the original source is in fact… Plants.

Who knew? Consuming animals to obtain your source of protein is a ridiculous process when you can go directly to the origin.
You will find that in fact, you can find more protein in your Vegan meals than you can in animal-product-filled meals.

Being Vegan is a privilege and not available to everyone

It’s fair to say that eating well can be a privilege, mainly in terms of time and money. But this is true regardless of whether you are eating animals or not. 

Vegetables are generally cheaper than animal products, especially if you buy from a high welfare butcher shop. You can bet however that spending your hard-earned on colorful veggies will do you and your pocket a favor.

What happens if I accidentally eat something that contains animal products?

Do not worry about it! You are not going to be expelled from the Vegan community for the occasional slip-up. Any efforts you make towards a plant-based life are going to have a positive impact on you, the animals, and the planet. So, give yourself a break and know what a brilliant thing you are doing for yourself and future generations.

What food would you recommend to someone who is going Vegan?


  • Chickpea Tuna
  • BBQ Tofu Steak
  • Vegan ham and cheese salad
  • Tofu Egg mayo and lettuce


  • Chili sin Carne – Easy dish
  • Spaghetti Bolognese – Mushroom instead of mince

Is alcohol Vegan?

Whilst a lot of alcohol is Vegan there are certain brands and processes that use Isinglass (from fish bladders), this is used to refine the alcohol in some whine and most real ales. Egg, gelatine, or casein (a milk protein) is also often used in the production process.

Can Vegans eat sweets and chocolate?

Sweets – Believe it or not, a lot of Vegan sweets are known to us and have most probably been enjoyed by us all at some point.

  • Polo mints (original flavor)
  • Hubba Bubba bubble gum.
  • Rowntree’s Jelly Tots.
  • Tootie Frooties.
  • Sherbet Dip Dabs.

Chocolate – You will also find plenty of Vegan chocolate by popular brands too. There are a lot of ‘Accidentally Vegan’ chocolates (which basically means that it is suitable for vegetarians). However, it may contain milk or eggs due to what was being processed on that particular production line or factory. But it is still technically Vegan.

Why don’t Vegans eat honey?

From an ethical perspective, bees have a brain and a nervous system and are also considered intelligent. The way the bees are farmed harms them, they are eventually killed by their keepers, and they also drive away wild bees which has a devastating impact on the environment.

Honey is a bee’s food, and it can take 12 worker bees up to an entire lifetime to produce 1 teaspoon of honey.

Tell us what you think in the comment section below.. 😊

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